GR# 0553 - Late Sessional Appts Fall 2014

Collective Agreement Referenced: 2014-2017

Article(s): 54

Nature of Dispute: WUFA grieved that the University routinely fails to send out letters of appointment to sessional instructors at least eight weeks before commencement of classes as required by the Collective Agreement.

Result of Grievance: The University committed to developing a policy, university-wide, whereby if a sessional member does receive his/her letter of appointment by the eight-week notice period prior to the commencement of classes (referred to in Article 54:04 of the Collective Agreement), then the sessional member may opt to not include the SET scores from that course in future appointment decisions by the AAU Appointments Committee. Should a sessional choose this option, their sessional course seniority will not be affected. The grievance was settled at Step 3 of the grievance process.

Grievance initiated:  December 11, 2014
Grievance resolved: February 5, 2015

Relevant Docs:         
(1)  GR# 0553 
(2)  Minutes of Settlement GR# 0553