ARTICLE R - Salary for Sessional Instructors

R.1                  (a)   Classification Pay Rates for Sessional / Special / Clinical Instructors

Effective July 1, 2021 sessional instructors shall be paid as

per the following classification scheme


Courses Taught


Sessional / Special / Clinical  Instructor

1- 6 per year

Member of the bargaining unit may opt out of Faculty Association membership.  Union dues mandatory.

(b)   Sessional Course Rates for Full Semester Courses

R.1(b): Sessional Course Rates for Full semester Courses

Academic Years 2021-2024 including the Employment Standards Act (ESA) vacation pay









R.2    Sessional Rates for Partial Courses 

In the event that a sessional instructor is employed under this clause for less than twenty (20) hours, the sessional instructor shall be paid in accordance with the rates below:

R.2: Sessional Rates for Partial Courses

Academic Years 2021-2024 per hour total compensation

including the Employment Standards Act (ESA) vacation entitlement









R.3                          Sessional Rates for Clinical Courses

R.3: Sessional Rates for Clinical Courses

Academic Years 2021-2024 per hour total compensation

including the Employment Standards Act (ESA) vacation entitlement









R.4              Sessional Rates for Special Instructor (Music)

R.4: Sessional Rates for Special Instructor (Music)

Academic Years 2021-2024 per hour total compensation

including the Employment Standards Act (ESA) vacation entitlement









R.5    Consolidation Courses in the Faculty of Nursing

    The University shall continue to pay a stipend to each sessional member who teaches a Faculty of Nursing consolidation course.  The stipend shall be on the basis of one-half (1/2) of the rate for lecture hours for a four (4) week consolidation course and one-quarter (1/4) of the rate for lecture hours for a two (2) week consolidation course. 

R.6    Any additional hours scheduled for laboratories or other non-lecture settings shall be paid one-half (1/2) of the hourly rate for partial courses as stated in clause R.2 above and in the Letter of Appointment.

R.7    Information Technology and Professional Development Assistance Account

    On May 1 of each year of this Collective Agreement, the University will contribute sufficient funds to establish and maintain twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) into an Information Technology and Professional Development Assistance Account for the benefit of sessional instructors who are not employed in a full-time capacity outside the bargaining unit, and who have taught at least four (4) courses or who have taught less than four (4) courses worth a total of four (4.00) sessional seniority credits or greater in the previous teaching year. Upon application, qualified sessional instructors will be provided with up to five hundred dollars ($500) from this account to compensate for the use of personal information technology used to facilitate instruction in the previous teaching year or for professional development activities.  Should more than fifty (50) sessional instructors qualify for this compensation each will share proportionately from the account.