Anomalies Committee

An Anomalies Committee to administer the anomalies fund (Article C) shall be formed by November 1, 2021.  The Committee shall include representation from both genders and shall consist of two individuals appointed by the University President, two members appointed by the Faculty Association, and a 5th individual mutually agreed upon by the Committee.  The mutually agreed upon individual will chair all meetings and shall only vote in the event of a tie.

The 2022-23 Anomalies Committee members include:

  • Audra Ong, Odette School of Business (WUFA rep)
  • Christian Trudeau, Economics (WUFA rep)
  • Jess Dixon,  Kinesiology (Chair)
  • Iva Gentcheva (Director, Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Faculty Recruitment)
  • Linda Patrick (Acting Executive Director, Academic Labour Relations)

Below is the 2023 report from the Anomalies Cttee:

Anomalies Committee 2022-2023 Report (received by WUFA June 21, 2023)