Special Action Committee
These are the WUFA Sub-Committees where volunteers will be needed in the event of work action. While we are not anticipating a work stoppage during bargaining, WUFA is preparing, and needs your help. Please let WUFA know the area you’d prefer to assist with. Just click on the title of the Sub-Committee to send WUFA an email indicating your interest.
COMMUNICATIONS Committee - interested in Communications? Email wufa@uwindsor.ca
-able to work with Special Action Committee (SAC) to strategize and write key messages and communication items
-able to organize distribution of flyers/communication materials
-able to work with photocopier and fix photocopier glitches
Social Media- Specific people assigned to Twitter, Facebook account who are directed on messages to post
Picket Signs- Make picket signs
Committee Members 2024-2025: Muharem Kianieff (Chair), Meris Bray, Anna Farias, Sarah Glassford, Vanessa Mio-Quiring, Jennifer Soutter
PICKET COMMITTEE Interested in assisting on the Picket Sub-Committee? Email wufa@uwindsor.ca
Picket Captains - Report to Kerr house daily, Contacting people on their list, Keeping attendance sheets, overseeing the line, ensuring 'orderly' picketing, able to walk for several hours at a time
LOGISTICS COMMITTEE Interested in assisting on the Logistics Sub-Committee? Email wufa@uwindsor.ca
Special Events -Organizing team/work committees, planning events from start to finish, ordering supplies and services, ensuring items like porta toilets, tents, tables, chairs, etc. are present at events.
-delivery of items (driving)
-set up materials and sites
-distribute and collect items
-pickup up supplies
KERR HOUSE COMMITTEE Interested in assisting on the Kerr House Sub-Committee? Email wufa@uwindsor.ca
Refreshments & Janitorial -Organizing refreshments, limited food preparations, assess supplies needed and prepare list of what supplied to replenish, work with Logistics Committee to keep strike headquarters supplied with necessary water, coffee, garbage collection, cleaning, etc.
"Go To Group" - assigning misc. tasks to others on short notice, misc. duties as they come up, respond to requests quickly
Reception- answering phone calls and addressing walk-in enquiries, able to work with distraught callers, training others, relaying messages
Data Entry -overseeing data entry , working in Microsoft Office, Word, Excel and outlook
Special Action Committee 2020/21
The Special Action Committee is chaired by the Vice President Internal. The Committee is responsible for planning strategies on WUFA’s behalf from the beginning of negotiations, co-ordinating activities, establishing internal and external communications systems and organizing other action/events of the Faculty Association.
The Special Action Committee, through its Chair, shall consult regularly with the Executive Committee regarding job actions and strategies in support of the collective bargaining process.
Jennifer Soutter, Leddy Library, Chair | jsoutter@uwindsor.ca |
Vicki Jay Leung, Law Library | vicki.jayleung@uwindsor.ca |
Muharem Kianieff, Law | kianieff@uwindsor.ca |
Scott Mattson, Psychology | smattson@uwindsor.ca |
Mohamed Mohamed Hassan, History | Ext: 2328 |