Policy Grievance Archive

GR# 1039 - Improper sessional hiring grid in Odette School of Business
Collective Agreement referenced: 2021-2025 Article(s): Article 54 Nature of Dispute: Improer application "Qualifications and Appointments Criteria" for sessional appointments. Result of Grievance: The grievance was resolved between the parties on December 11, 2024. See the attached Minutes of Settlement (below) for details. Grievance initiated: March 30, 2023 Grievance resolved: December 11, 2024 Reference Docs: (1) Policy GR# 1039 (2) Minutes of Settlement

GR# 1064 - Failure to follow proper appointment procedures in Odette
Collective Agreement referenced: 2021-2025 Article(s): Article 54:04(b) Nature of Dispute: The Odette School of Business failed to follow the appointment procedures laid out in the Collective Agreement. Result of Grievance: The grievance was resolved between the parties on November 29, 2024. See the attached Minutes of Settlement (below) for details. Grievance initiated: October 23, 2024 Grievance resolved: November 29, 2024 Reference Docs: (1) Policy GR# 1064 (2) Minutes of Settlement

GR# 1045 - Use of Remote Transcription Service
Collective Agreement referenced: 2021-2025 Article(s): Article 5, Senate Policy on Recording Lectures, Senate Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, and any other articles and Senate Bylaws that may apply. Nature of Dispute: Use of Remote Transcription Service Result of Grievance: The grievance was resolved between the parties on November 4, 2024. See the attached Minutes of Settlement (below) for details. Grievance initiated: May 23, 2023 Grievance resolved: November…

GR# 0917 - Improper administration of University of Windsor Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Employees (the Plan)
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Section 21 of the University of Windsor Act, Article D of the Collective Agreement, the University of Windsor Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Employees (the Plan), and any other articles and bylaws that may apply. Nature of Dispute: Improper administration of University of Windsor Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Employees (the Plan). Result of Grievance: The grievance was resolved between the parties on February 15,…

GR# 1037 - Improper delays for tenure decisions
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021, 2021 - 2025 Article(s): Articles 5, 12, 13, 30, Bylaw 20, 22, 23, UCAPT RTP Guide (Provost's Office) and any other articles or Bylaws that may apply. Nature of Dispute: The University has neglected to follow timelines and/or procedures according to the Collective Agreement and Senate ByLaws with respect to RPT/RPP processes. UCAPT decisions regarding tenure have been communicated much after 31 January of a given year. Regardless of members…

GR# 1015 - Failure to post courses in the ECE Department
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Article 54 and any other articles that may apply. Nature of Dispute: The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) has failed to post sessional courses in each semester since (and including) Intersession/Summer 2020. Result of Grievance: The grievance was resolved between the parties on July 20, 2022. See the attached Minutes of Settlement (below) for details. Grievance initiated: May 27, 2021 Grievance resolved: July…

GR# 1026 - Article U Funds
Collective Agreement referenced: 2021 - 2025 Article(s): Article 3, U, and any other articles that may apply. Nature of Dispute: The University awarded professorial development funds under The University Diversity, Indigeneity, and Anti-Racism Professional Development Fund to an individual who is not a member of the bargaining unit. Result of Grievance: It was determined that the Article U funds were awarded in error to a non-bargaining unit applicant. Article U expressly indicates that all…

GR# 0929 - Bargaining Unit Membership
GR# 0929 - Bargaining Unit Membership

GR# 1008 - Failure to Implement the Human Rights Policy
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Articles 6, 11, 59, and any other articles that may apply, and the University of Windsor Human Rights Policy (1997) Nature of Dispute: The University has consistently failed to implement the Human Rights Policy with respect to WUFA members, both in general terms as laid out in the policy itself, and in individual instances. Result of Grievance: The grievance was withdrawn by WUFA, without prejudice, on November 16, 2021. The University updated…

GR# 0988 - Vacant Sessional Lecturer Positions
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Article 55, and any other articles that may apply. Nature of Dispute: The University refused to initiate the process to fill vacancies in Sessional Lecturer positions as required under Article 55. Result of Grievance: The grievance was settled on September 24, 2021, prior to arbitration. The University agreed to fill three (3) vacancies that existed in Article 55:11, and the parties determined a process that would be followed by the University…

GR# 1004 - Guest Director Positions
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Article 3, and any other articles that may apply. Nature of Dispute: At least one member was hired and paid as a "guest director" creating a contractual position outside of the bargaining unit which violates Article 3 of the Collective Agreement. Result of Grievance: On July 5, 2021 the parties signed Minutes of Settlement to resolve the grievance. The current practice of hiring "Guest Directors" in the School of Dramatic…

GR# 1001 - Joint Health and Safety Committee
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Articles 8, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and any other articles, legislation, or regulations that may apply. Nature of Dispute: WUFA alleged that the University failed to allow the Joint Health and Safety Committee to function properly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. WUFA was concerned that the JHSC had no role in the University's pandemic response. Result of Grievance: On February 1, 2021 WUFA withdrew the grievance,…

GR# 1003 - Class Size Increases
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Articles 2, 5, 7 and any other Articles and Bylaws that may apply Nature of Dispute: WUFA alledged that the University made significant and unilateral increases to some class enrollment numbers which included but was not limited to online course delivery. Result of Grievance: On January 15, 2021 WUFA withdrew the grievance, without prejudice, at Step 3 of the grievance process. Although various Departmental policies exist, the University…

GR# 0910 - Denial of PAS after resignation from SL position
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Article 54 Nature of Dispute: The University failed to take into consideration the previously earned sessional senority and/or preferred applicant status (PAS) during a sessional appointment process. The sessional seniority and/or PAS was incorrectly denied because the University alleged that previously earned sessional seniority and/or PAS is not retained once a Sessional Lecturer has retired. Result of Grievance: On October 23, 2020 Arbitrator…

GR# 0972 - Failure to Post Courses
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Article 54, and 5:07 Nature of Dispute: On at least two occasions known to WUFA, the University has assigned courses to full-time members to be compensated with an overload stipend, without first posting the courses as required under Article 54:07 and 5:07 of the Collective Agreement. Result of Grievance: The related individual grievances were settled in the members' favour on October 8, 2020. The policy grievance was also settled without…

GR# 0962 - Disclosure in the Article 59 process
Collective Agreement referenced: 2014 - 2017 Article(s): 59 Nature of Dispute: WUFA was aware of at least two (2) student complaint cases in which the accused members were not provided an opportunity to view or respond to the Deans’ reports before they were submitted to the Provost and President. In each case the Provost and/or President issued a letter of censure to the member based on the Dean’s report. Result of Grievance: On June 8, 2020 a settlement was reached between WUFA and the University,…

GR# 0915 - Failure to address a Grievance complaint, Article 11:05(b)
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): 11 and 39 Nature of Dispute: Failure to implement the grievance process in response to a grievance complaint concerning matters including but not limited to a toxic work environment. Result of Grievance: On February 27, 2020 a settlement was reached between WUFA and the University. The University shall respond to grievances initiated under Article 11:05(b) in accordance with Article 39 of the Collective Agreement. Grievance initiated: December…

GR# 0913 - Sessional Lecturers on AAU Councils
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Article 55 and Bylaw 40 & 44 Nature of Dispute: The University compelled Sessional Lecturers, who would like to sit on their respective AAU Councils, to attend those meetings for the full year (Sept 1- Aug 31), which is in violation of Sessional Lecturers' contractual obligations to work 8 months of the calendar year. Result of Grievance: WUFA withdrew the grievance, without prejudice, in January 2020. The Senate passed a vote to amend…

GR# 0940 - Sessional Lecturers' Salaries
Collective Agreement referenced: 2014 - 2017 Article(s): Article 3, 6, 11, 55 and S Nature of Dispute: It came to WUFA's attention that contrary to Article S, the University has awarded and paid higher than permitted salaries to some Sessional Lecturers hired under Article 55:12 of the Collective Agreement. Result of Grievance: The grievance was settled outside of arbitration. In the Preliminary Award of November 27, Arbitrator Swan made it clear that amending the Collective Agreement to increase…

GR# 0989 - Boreal College Partnership with UofW Law
Collective Agreement referenced: 2017 - 2021 Article(s): Article 3 Nature of Dispute: The University contracted an outside institution, Boreal College, with the purpose to assign duties of teaching French language courses for Faculty of Law students. Result of Grievance: At Step 3 of the grievance process WUFA was advised that the Boreal partnership with UofW Law was halted. Furthermore, the Faculty of Law is working with the French program in the LLC Department to develop French courses specifically…