GR# 1026 - Article U Funds

Collective Agreement referenced: 2021 - 2025

Article(s): Article 3, U, and any other articles that may apply.

Nature of Dispute:  The University awarded professorial development funds under The University Diversity, Indigeneity, and Anti-Racism Professional Development Fund to an individual who is not a member of the bargaining unit. 

Result of Grievance: It was determined that the Article U funds were awarded in error to a non-bargaining unit applicant. Article U expressly indicates that all faculty, librarians, AAS and Sessional Lecturer members are eligible to apply for the funds under Article U. The project to which the funds were awarded shall be principally associated with a member of the bargaining unit in accordance with the terms of Article U. 

Grievance initiated: April 25, 2022
Grievance resolved: July 5, 2022

Relevant docs:
1. Policy GR# 1026
2. Minutes of Settlement
