
Below is a list of items that WUFA Members often ask our office to clarify.  Click on each item to find out more information about that topic.  If the info here is not adequate for your situation, please contact the Faculty Association by emailing and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Accommodation Requests  Thumbnail Image
Accommodation Requests
Members who submit requests for workplace accommodation will be asked to provide their Department Head and/or Dean with a physician’s note explaining the need for accommodation. Please feel free to contact the WUFA office for assistance with an accommodation request. In order to save you time and money, WUFA recommends that a you ask your physician to include the following information in a physician's note to the University of Windsor: The nature of the illness and how it manifests as a disability…
Grievances  Thumbnail Image
From time to time members face issues in the workplace which concern their working conditions. Under the Collective Agreement, an association member has the right to request the Faculty Association to consider a grievance on their behalf.  PLEASE NOTE the early stages of grievances require time sensitive action on your part - don't delay!  WUFA always encourages informal discussion between a member and his/her AAU Head before a grievance is launched. It is always preferable to settle an issue…
Life Insurance  Thumbnail Image
Life Insurance
Full time members and Sessional Lecturers are provided with Life Insurance and Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance through their employment.  Sun Life Assurance is the insurance provider through a group plan at the University. The Plan’s coverage for members is equal to three (3) times a member’s Normal Salary to a maximum of four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000). The Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plan’s coverage for members is three (3) times her/his Normal Salary to a maximum…
Medical & Dental Benefits  Thumbnail Image
Medical & Dental Benefits
The University of Windsor provides health care and dental coverage for all full-time Faculty, Sessional Lecturers and Librarians through Green Shield Canada. This benefit is paid for by the University of Windsor and managed through Human Resources. Each full time faculty member, sessional lecturer and librarian receives a Green Shield identity card which is used for medical, dental, prescription or other services. There is an annual deduction fee for prescriptions: $10 per individual per year, or…
Other FAQs from Members  Thumbnail Image
Other FAQs from Members
Am I allowed to see my personnel file? Can I use the St. Denis Athletics Centre? What should I do when emergency notfications (such as fire alarms, bomb threats, etc.) go off in the middle of my scheduled exam/test? How can I check to see if a student is properly registered for my course? Are there Child Care Facilities at the University of Windsor? How does one get Emeritus/Emerita status at the University of Windsor? What office hours must I maintain? How much Vacation time am I entitled to? Can…
Other Types of Leaves  Thumbnail Image
Other Types of Leaves
Conference/Convention Leave Article 22 of the Collective Agreement allows Faculty, Librarians, AAS and Sessional Lecturers to ask for Conference and Convention Leave. In general, a member must apply for Conference/Convention Leave to his/her Dean, or Head as designate of the Dean. The University must ensure the uninterrupted continuation of programs and quality of service when they consider a request for conference and convention leave. In light of this responsibility, leaves under this clause shall…
Pregnancy, Parental, and Adoption Leave  Thumbnail Image
Pregnancy, Parental, and Adoption Leave
Article 21 - Pregnancy, Parental and Adoption Leaves are an important and exciting time for your family.  All of us are dedicated to our students and research, but it’s equally important to take time for your personal family life; a 'time-out' which you’ll never regret. Pregnancy Leave** can start up to 17 weeks before the birth of a child.  Normally it start just before or after the child’s birth. The Dean/Dept. Head must be informed at least 1 month in advance of the birth date…
Professional Development and Membership Funds  Thumbnail Image
Professional Development and Membership Funds
Professional Development and Membership Funds are intended to be used "for payment of the costs of travel, accommodation and other related expenses incurred for attendance at learned or professional conferences, symposiums or for other authorized University travel and for payment of the membership dues of professional or learned societies, for academic journals and books, and for professional development". See Article I of the Collective Agreement for additional information concerning PD…
Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure  Thumbnail Image
Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure
Guides to Assist WUFA Members: The Rights of Faculty Members & WUFA (Performance Evaluations & Tenure/Permanence, Promotion) Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor Promotion to Professor See also Senate Bylaw 22 and 23, Collective Agreement Art. 13:01-08, and UCAPT booklets/resources on processes and procedures. Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) is a collegial process that ensures high standards of scholarship, teaching, and service, and offers support and guidance to faculty members at…
Resignation  Thumbnail Image
How much notice of resignation must I give? There are two dates by which a 6-month resignation notice must be given to the employer: December 31 or June 30. Resignation under Article 47 Article 47 involves a faculty member giving resignation notice to the employer, commonly due to another job opportunity elsewhere. A 6-month notice period is the most convenient for the employer (as stated in the Collective Agreement) meaning the written notice should be given on December 31 or June 30 to the Provost.…
Retirement  Thumbnail Image
Thinking of Retirement? Retirement is an important decision for all members and you can never start planning too soon. The University provides a Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Others.  Every second year there is an information session hosted by WUFA, WURA (Retirees Association), and the Human Resource Department for those approaching retirement.  This seminar is a helpful information session for those who want to start planning for retirement, or those who wish to have more information…
Sabbatical Leave  Thumbnail Image
Sabbatical Leave
Under Article 17 of the Collective Agreement, a Sabbatical Leave is defined as follows: ‘A period during which a member with tenure or permanence is relieved of normal teaching and administrative duties in order to pursue a program of independent study and research or creative activities.”  Sabbatical leave has two (2) immediate purposes: to allow members to improve themselves academically or professionally; and to allow members to engage in research activities. A sabbatical leave serves the…
Salary Information  Thumbnail Image
Salary Information
Information about faculty and Librarian salaries is available in Article A of the Collective Agreement. Here are the salary tables from the 2021 - 2025 Collective Agreement, by rank: Table A.1: Salary Ranges (Minima and Maxima) Rank / Date 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 2024 - 2025 Lecturer / Lib. I / AAS I $58,998 - $100,298 $59,588 - $101,301 $60,184 - $102,314 $61,388 - $104,360 Assistant / Lib II / AAS II $71,703 - $121,895 $72,420 - $123,114 $73,144 - $124,345 $74,607 - $126,832 Associate…
Sessional Instructor/Lecturer Information  Thumbnail Image
Sessional Instructor/Lecturer Information
Sessional Instructors Sessional Instructors and Sessional Lecturers hold teaching only positions.  A Sessional Instructor is a member of the Bargaining Unit who is a clinical instructor in Nursing, or a special instructor in Music, or a professor who is scheduled to teach one or more credit courses during the academic year. A Sessional Lecturer  is a member of the Bargaining Unit who is considered a permanent position apppointed to either a nine (9) month appointment or a twelve (12) month appointment…
Sessional/Overload/Teaching Intensive Job Postings  Thumbnail Image
Sessional/Overload/Teaching Intensive Job Postings
The information below is provided as a service to Sessional Members of the Faculty Association. The Faculty Association posts Sessional Job Advertisements as they are received at the Association. Please contact the departments/faculties directly with any questions related to the jobs.  Useful link: University of Windsor Faculty Recruitment NOTE: This Job Posting website is being provided to WUFA members as a courtesy. There is no central site on the University of Windsor website for sessional…
Sexual Misconduct / Workplace Harassment  Thumbnail Image
Sexual Misconduct / Workplace Harassment
Sexual Misconduct At the university of Windsor sexual misconduct is used as an umbrella term that encompasses all forms of sexually inappropriate behaviour and sexual violence, whether verbal, non-verbal, or physical. This includes, but isn't limited to, sexual harassment, sexual assault, threat of seual assault, non-consensual sexting, relationship violence and gender based misconduct. If you are a victim or anyone discloses allegations of sexual misconduct to you contact Dusty Johnstone at…
Study Leave  Thumbnail Image
Study Leave
Under Article 23 of the Collective Agreement, a Study Leave is available to Librarian members, Sessional Lecturers and Ancillary Academic Staff (AAS, AAS:LS) to provide an opportunity for work-related course work or study. The maximum amount of time granted for Study Leave is sixteen weeks. Study Leave is normally taken as one block of time but can be altered by mutual agreement between the member and his/her Dean. A member must have worked continually for at least three years in order to apply…
Teaching Online Courses  Thumbnail Image
Teaching Online Courses
OCUFA’s Online Education Ad Hoc Committee has developed a new resource document for faculty associations on considerations for teaching online courses. CLICK HERE to access the document. The document is designed to help faculty associations think through key issues for university professors and academic librarians regarding online learning. It aims to inform your association about the kinds of challenges that could arise and help you advise and support members who are creating and/or teaching…
Travel Information  Thumbnail Image
Travel Information
Travel Allowance/Per Diem Members who travel for University purposes can claim the following amounts in Canadian dollars, per day, as per Article I.8 (If you are travelling in the USA or elsewhere, WUFA strongly recommends that you discuss and agree upon the exchange value for the Canadian dollar in advance of your travels with your Head or Dean to accommodate the difference in monetary value when submitting travel costs. Some AAU's already have this understanding, others do not.) Table I.8:…