Sessional Committee

We Teach Ontario

The Sessional Committee represents all Sessional Instructor and Sessional Lecturer members at the University of Windsor.  The Committee`s focus is to address concerns and monitor the Collective Agreement as it applies to contract academic staff.  The Committee meets monthly during the academic year (between September and June).

The Committee will also make recommendations to the Contract Committee, Executive Committee, and other Committees of the Association on behalf of Sessional Instructor and Sessional Lecturer members of WUFA.

If you have any questions/concerns or are interested in joining the Sessional Committee of WUFA, please send your inquiry to

Related Article: CAUT Bargaining Advisory: Teaching-Intensive Appointments

Fall 2024 Meeting Schedule - TBD

Sessional Committee, 2024-2025

Scott MattsonChair, Psychology
Pierre BoulosWUFA President ex officio, CTL
Fouzia BakiSessional Director, MAME
Imran Abdool, Economics
Yasser Alginahi, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Kimberly Brisebois, School of Social Work
Tim Brunet, School of Dramatic Art
Graham Clayton, Economics
David Guetter, Philosophy
Werner Keller, Odette School of Business
Mark Letteri, Philosophy
James Linton, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Brandi Lucier, Women’s & Gender Studies
Brian MacPherson, Philosophy
Karen Mossman, Faculty of Education
Andre Narbonne, English & Creative Writing
Bill Orawski, Odette School of Business
Adam Pole, History
Wafa Polies, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Barbara Pollard, Education
Jelena Primorac, Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Rebecca Reaume, Faculty of Education
Garth Rennie, Communications, Media & Film
Candace Ryan, Faculty of Nursing
Sahereh Sahandabadi, Mechanical, Automotive & Materials Engineering

Diana Sarkis, Odette School of Business
Renu Sharma-Persaud, Sociology, Anthropology & Criminology
Urvashi Soni-Sinha, Women's & Gender Studies
Georgia Swan, Faculty of Law
Josie Watson, Faculty of Nursing
