WUFA Ad Hoc Committees

From time to time, different ’ad hoc’ committees are formed to deal with various issues which affect the membership. Committees may be formed for a variety of purposes, such as to proof-reading important documents, surveying the membership, organizing special events or volunteering in the local labour community.

Administrative Evaluation Committee (2023-2024)

Committee Members: Yasser Alginahi (Chair), Zareen Amtul, Gurupdesh Pandher, and Robert Arnold

The Administrative Evaluation Committee was formed as follow up to a motion that was passed by the WUFA membership at the Fall 2020 AGM meeting, held on October 30, 2020. The Motion: "To improve the quality of governance, transparency and performance of the University of Windsor and promote equity, WUFA will conduct annual surveys of its membership regarding the President, Provost and Deans and other members of senior administration to be determined by a committee of WUFA Faculty Council and report the results on the WUFA's website". SURVEY RESULTS from the June 2021 survey 

Ad Hoc UPP Committee (2023-24)

The Mandate of the WUFA Ad Hoc University Pension Plan Committee is as follows: 

  1. The Committee shall investigate the desirability and feasibility of moving the faculty pension plan to the University Pension Plan (UPP).  
  2. The Committee shall consult widely with the WUFA membership, WURA, and any other unions on campus. The Committee may also consider consultations with other faculty associations that have joined or considered joining the UPP.
  3. The Committee shall engage with representatives of the UPP to obtain as much relevant material information that it deems to be of interest to the membership
  4. The Committee shall have the right to negotiate the terms of any possible move of the pension to the UPP with the UPP representatives on behalf of WUFA after being asked to do so by vote of the membership, however WUFA reserves the right to give its final approval and propose amendments before any agreement is formally signed. 
  5. The Committee will, from time to time, report to Executive on its discussions with the UPP, or any other progress by the Committee.

The composition of the Committee is as follows: 

  1. Ex officio members comprising of the WUFA President, Vice-President Internal and Vice-President External
    - Anna Lanoszka, WUFA President
    - Meris Bray, VP Internal

    - Jennifer Soutter, VP External
  2. At least one WUFA rep from the D.2 Committee – both reps are welcome to join.
    - Ram Balachandar
    - Lydia Miljan
  3. Three WUFA members from the membership at large
    - Tim Grondin
    - Luis Rueda
    - VACANT
  4. One representative from WURA
    -Adrian Van Den Hoven