ARTICLE U - The University Diversity, Indigeneity, and Anti-Racism Professional Development Fund

U.1                In order to contribute to the continuous development of scholarship and to aid in educational dissemination of teaching and learning, the Board of Governors shall establish a University Diversity, Indigeneity, an Anti-Racism Professional Development Fund (PD Fund) of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) non-cumulating in each year of the agreement. The University Diversity, Indigeneity, and Anti-Racism Professional Development Fund shall be comprised of two separate funds of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) each, one directed to scholarship and teaching in Indigeneity, and the other one directed to scholarship and teaching in anti-racist pedagogies. All faculty, librarians, AAS, and Sessional Lecturer members are eligible to apply for PD funds under Article U.

U.2                A University Diversity, Indigeneity, an Anti-Racism PD Funds Committee to administer the funds under Article U shall be formed annually, beginning January 2022. The Committee shall consist of two (2) individuals appointed by the Provost, two (2) members appointed by the President of the Faculty Association, and the Vice-President, EDI as Chair. This committee shall consist of a minimum of two genders and fully reflect the values of diversity in composition of members (including the representation of gender, racial, Indigenous, sexual identities, and persons with a disability) and their inclusion in participation, practice, and deliberation. Aspirations for equitable, inclusive, and diverse committee composition shall be managed by measurement, assessment, and continual improvement.

U.3                The PD Funds Committee shall disburse the funds twice annually on March 15 and June 15.

U.4                Within fourteen (14) days following the awarding of the PD funds, the Faculty Association shall be informed of the distribution of funds. The Faculty Association shall be provided with a statement of the disbursements indicating the amounts granted and the names of recipients thereof.
