Study Leave

Under Article 23 of the Collective Agreement, a Study Leave is available to Librarian members, Sessional Lecturers and Ancillary Academic Staff (AAS, AAS:LS) to provide an opportunity for work-related course work or study.

The maximum amount of time granted for Study Leave is sixteen weeks. Study Leave is normally taken as one block of time but can be altered by mutual agreement between the member and his/her Dean.

  • A member must have worked continually for at least three years in order to apply for a study leave.
  •  Applications for study leave must include a detailed written plan of proposed study/research or other planned activity.
  • Librarians must submit the plan at least 90 days prior to the proposed leave date, and Sessional Lecturers/AAS must submit the plan at least 180 days in advance.
  • A reply must be provided to the applicant no later than 30 days before the proposed start of leave.
  • All successful applicants will receive 80% of their salary during the Study Leave
  • All successful applicants can apply for assistance towards the cost of a study leave for expenses such as fees, books, travel, etc to a maximum 10% of their normal salary.

The granting of Study Leave is subject to certain conditions which are all outlined in Article 23.
