WUFA and the AODA  Banner Image

WUFA and the AODA

The regulations listed in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) apply to every organization that provides goods and services to members of the public and that has at least one employee.  The AODA regulations apply to unions and employee associations even though they provide services only to a segment of the public (i.e. their members). Obligations are less onerous for organizations with fewer than 20 employees. 

The following list explains how the WUFA is in compliance with the AODA standards required to date: 

Customer Service Standard

The WUFA Customer Service Standard (CSS) outlines WUFA’s commitment to excellence in serving all members, including persons with disabilities.  Specifically, the CSS explains (a) WUFA staff is trained and familiar with assistive devices used by members; (b) WUFA staff is trained to communicate with persons with disabilities in a manner that takes into account their disability; (c) WUFA welcomes service animals and support persons; (d) WUFA will promptly provide notification of any temporary disruption of facilities or services to all WUFA members; (e) WUFA has and will continue to provide AODA training to all employees; (f) WUFA will modify and/or remove any policies that do not respect and promote dignity and independence of people with disabilities; (g) WUFA welcomes feedback from members regarding the ways in which the Faculty Association provides services to people with disabilities. Click here to view the feedback form.

WUFA Staff Training

WUFA must ensure that every employee, volunteer, policy developer and all other persons who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of the WUFA, receive training on the relationship between the AODA and the Ontario Human Rights Code. 

  • WUFA staff are up-to-date with AODA training. Ongoing training will be completed as required. A written record of staff training is maintained in the office. 
  • Work-study students will complete training when working in the WUFA office.  Students will be required to complete the training within 3 weeks of hire. A written record of training is maintained in the WUFA office.
  • Members of Executive Committee, Special Action Committee, Picket Captains, and Grievance Officers are required to completed the training. A written record will be maintained in the WUFA office.

Emergency Plan

A WUFA office Emergency Plan is complete. The Emergency Plan was developed with the assistance of Campus Police. 

Notice to WUFA Members

The WUFA office sent out an email to all Members notifying them that WUFA is in compliance with AODA standards.

The Customer Service Standard and the Member Feedback Form are both available in the Kerr House

Any future, temporary disruption of facilities or services will be reported to all WUFA members promptly and will include the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternatives, if available.


(1)  WUFA Website

The new WUFA website, launched in Fall 2015, meets accessibility standards.

(2)  Confidentiality Agreement for Disability Support Person

WUFA recognizes that a Member with a disability may be accompanied by a support person on the WUFA premises.  If a support person is present during confidential meetings, WUFA has the right to ask the support person to sign a Confidentiality Agreement to protect the WUFA member and the Faculty Association. 
