WUFA News and Features

WUFA at the Labour Day Parade 2023
WUFA banner spotted at the front of the Labour Day Parade, 2023. Thank you Brian E. Brown for representing WUFA at the parade!

Mary Lou Dietz Equity Leadership Award Recipients 2023
WUFA announces recipients of the 2023 Mary Lou Dietz Equity Leadership Award.

WUFA Comments on the new University of Windsor Whistleblower Safe Disclosure Policy
WUFA has serious concerns with the recently enacted University of Windsor Whistleblower Safe Disclosure Policy.

WUFA Statement in support of Professor Danardo Jones
March 17, 2023 WUFA is gravely concerned about the treatment that Professor Danardo Jones of the University of Windsor Faculty of Law, has received from Conservative Member of Parliament, Larry Brock, while testifying before a Parliamentary subcommittee. https://rb.gy/yzun0b In the strongest terms, we condemn Mr. Brock for engaging in shameful and egregious conduct that is beneath the dignity of the public office that he holds as a Member of the Parliament of Canada, and as an Officer of the Court. …

Call for Nominations for the Mary Lou Dietz Equity Leadership Award 2023
The Faculty Association is now accepting submissions for the Annual Mary Lou Dietz Equity Leadership Award. This Award was established in 2009 to recognize the outstanding contributions that an individual or group has made to advance human rights, social justice, diversity, inclusivity, and equity at the University of Windsor. Eligible individual must be a current, former or a retired Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA) member or group who demonstrates the spirit of equity, diversity,…

Professional Development Funds
For the purpose of Professional Development of members, technology driven solutions, including but not limited to tablets, computers, e-readers, etc. are eligible expenses for the professional development of a member’s career.

Survey Results of the Administrative Evaluation Survey (June 2021)
A report of the 2021 survey results concerning the performance of senior campus administrators at the University of Windsor.

Official Signing of Collective Agreement
Officials from the University and the Faculty Association met on May 30, 2022 for the official signing of the 2021-2025 collective agreement. Standing, from left to right: Chris Fredette and Pierre Boulos, co-chairs of the WUFA Negotiating Team; Patti Weir, Interim Provost & Vice-President, Academic; Denice Shuker, Executive Director, Academic & Staff Relations (interim). Seated, from left to right: Anna Lanoszka, WUFA President, and Robert Gordon, University of Windsor President.

Mary Lou Dietz Equity Leadership Award
The Faculty Association is proud to announce that Dr. Catherine Hundleby, Department of Philosophy is the 2020 recipient of the "Mary Lou Dietz Equity Leadership Award." The Windsor University Faculty Association’s Status of Women, Diversity and Equity Action Committee bestows the award to honour individuals who demonstrate leadership through their contributions to creating an equity culture on campus. The award is named after Mary Lou Dietz, a late UWindsor faculty member and head…

National Day of Mourning on April 28th and May Day (known as International Workers' Day) on May 1st.
National Day of Mourning April 28th and International Workers Day May 1st

WUFA Supports Ontario’s Teachers
The Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA) calls on the provincial government to reverse the cuts in education funding, negotiate in good faith with the four teachers’ unions, and invest in strengthening our schools and ensuring our children receive the best education possible.

Social Media Day of Action - Feb. 12, 2020
The Social Media Day of Action will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2020. WUFA invites colleagues to participate (virtually) in the event!